Miniature Horse
(Spartacus, Bingo & Lovable)

Go To "Gallery" to read more about Spartacus - Above

Hello my name is Spartacus. I am the oldest and the biggest of the three miniature horses that live at Windy Hill Ranch. My best friend is Bingo, who is younger and smaller than me. Lovable is a beautiful and colorful, little filly with brown and white markings. Bingo and I love her very much. Since I am the oldest horse in our little herd, I consider myself the boss. I make sure everyone behaves the way they should. Instead of using words to communicate how I feel, I use my body. When something bothers me, I fold my ears back and hold them very close to my head. This tells everyone I am not happy at the moment and you'd better keep your distance. If that doesn't work, I chase them away while holding my ears back and swinging my head back and forth a bit. As a last resort, I can kick with my back legs. That always gets their attention. It's not always easy being a miniature horse boss.

Go To "Gallery" to read more about Bingo - Above


Miniature horses are very strong. We love to pull carts and can pull up to ten times our weight. In fact, we were once used to pull loaded carts in the coalmines. Our small size made us perfect for the job. So, besides making great pets, we are also very useful. We don't like to brag, but miniature horses are very smart and we learn things very quickly. One of our very special jobs that we've learned to do is help guide blind people, just like the guide dogs do. Don't be surprised if someday you see a guide horse in a restaurant or at the mall.















Question: True or False... Miniature horses can pull up to ten (10) times their weight?

A = True
B = False

[see bottom of page to see if you were right].

Go To "Gallery" to read more about Bingo - Above


FUN Animal Fact: Did you know ...

  • In 1904 there was a famous horse named Clever Hans who could solve arithmetic problems by pawing at the ground. ( Or at least it seemed.) Turns out he was able to read subtle cues from his owner.
  • Grooming can be a way to build trust between two parties. That is why petting our dogs and cats and brushing our horses works such wonders.







Answer: If you said "A"... TRUE, you are right! ...

Miniature horses are VERY strong and CAN pull up to ten (10) times their weight...

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